Leilani Drivas

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💙 Small Action, Big Impact! 💙

💙 Small Action, Big Impact! Cost of one coffee, I will hike 100km💙

I am climbing the 21 km Mt. Kosciuszko and adding on an extra 80 km hike to fundraise for Australian families impacted by rare cancers. 

Two years ago, I completed my first Kosi Challenge by climbing Mt Kosciuszko to raise much needed funds for families impacted by rare cancers. What I took away from this event was that no one should have to go through their cancer journey alone. As I’ve experienced firsthand with my Dad who lost his battle to aggressive pancreatic cancer at 59 years old. I know how important support and community are. 

Throughout the hike, I met some courageous people who inspired me. So it’s time to give back to the community and do it all again. For those told they have RARE cancers, treatment options are limited and mortality rates are high. Coupled with the huge financial burden of non subsidised treatments and a lack of information and support, it can be a very scary and uncertain journey.

I understand that we are all inundated with many charities and the high cost of living. But imagine the difference you could make by helping one person who is someone’s child, grandparent, mum, dad, sister, brother or friend. For as little as the cost of one coffee, your support can give someone hope.

Please click on the link below if you have the capacity to donate. All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible. Thank you so much for your support.

With gratitude, Leilani 💙

Thank you to my Sponsors



Bravo koumbara


Pure Origins

Good Luck Leilani, I know you've got this!


John Ranaldo


Daniela Rapattoni


Robert Mihalic


Jasmina Mujkic


Kell Muir

Congratulations Leilani on putting yourself out there for a wonderful cause .. Sadly the big *C* affects so many families .. very sorry for your loss. You go girl !! All the very best Kell xx



Best of luck Leilani and so sorry to hear about your dad. Much love. Rach xxx


Karyn Kent

All the best Leilana, no doubt you’ll smash it again. Well done for raising awareness for such an awful disease.


Bill Mav

Great work



Such an important cause for many Australians! Go Leilani




Sam Aghdam



Awesome work Leilani!!! Very proud of you- Rachael LMH xx